OLI Defines Areas of Training for Future Leaders


The OLI Leadership Training curriculum seeks to be both comprehensive and challenging to ensure that future students are able to study the full extent of content that is needed to prepare them for leadership in the church and ministry. The most recent OLI program in June 2016 contained some of the most diverse and well-rounded schedules, but administration further want to push what is offered for future courses. Through careful consideration they have included additional topics of study in the curriculum, so that the program will reach a new higher level.

The Biblical studies make up the majority of topics that each student must study, with the lectures taking up the most time of study per day. The Book of Acts and Galatians are two such studies that are being added to OLI for future programs, and staffs are working on building their curriculum and collecting the appropriate studies for reference.

Theologically, each leader should be firmly founded in the many different aspects of the faith. Growing a ministry or building a church requires a leader who understands the deep world of faith and salvation to help guide others and remove any confusion that prevents people from experiencing the truth of the Word of God.

In the most recent program, practical studies were taught thoroughly, and participants were able to actively interact with mission leaders and fellowship staff to understand the different skills that are needed for performing mission at various levels. For instance, community service and work study projects may become available for students to participate in for future programs, as they will give students more of a chance to apply what they are learning and spiritually mature from receiving real life experiences serving.

The OLI program is dedicated to providing the best framework for raising future leaders as possible. The next leadership training will intensely focus on all of these areas to ensure the best possible education is made available to the next generation of leaders for mission. Genesis, Romans, the Gospels, Exodus, the Book of Acts, and Galatians, are all fundamental points of study for future leaders. Spiritual Formation, Christ-Like Leadership, Spiritual Care and Counseling, Ministry Formation, Church Planting, and Church Administration are all meant to raise strong leaders that can develop mission and truly building the Kingdom of God. Each of these areas will also be sought to be implemented and supported with hands on experience that allows students to practice in social and community environments.