SLS Latin America Offers Conferences to Give Counseling for Teens in Bolivia

SLS Latin

Recently, the SLS Latin America received invitations from several schools to give healing and counseling to the students in the city of La Paz, Bolivia.

The addiction to pornography and drugs are examples of issues that need to be addressed with the adolescents. 

In one school, SLS Latin held an education and biblical class which brought out the issues of addiction to pornography, sexually transmitted diseases, and premarital sex. Many students solemnly realized the consequences of the issues, and how it will affect their daily lives and life of faith.

SLS Latin talked about how the students can avoid the sin in the face of temptations; and more importantly, how God can guide them through the scriptures. Furthermore, the ministry shared how the students can escape the river of sin that was brought out by media and the current world sinful lifestyles.

The ministry will continue to pray for the students with the hope that they may chose God, the one who brings the eternal joy to all souls.